Wow, a month in already?

It’s almost the middle of February already. Today is the 10th. I’m a little surprised to be honest. The month of January ran away like water through my fingers.

I put out a book, Dragon Prince, which came out on the 31st of January. I’m about to start up my podcast again, There’s Stories Everywhere. It’s been an interesting year already. I’m busy busy at work, despite it being slow season. Slow season just means that there aren’t as many people in town. That doesn’t mean the work stops.

My next major project is due out in April: Tick Tock House. Some of you may remember that title from an earlier work which never saw the light of day. It turned into something a debacle to be honest. But I’m back at it and I’m going to make this a good one. I’m trying out the David Farland/Dave Wolverton outline method to try and get the most out of my story. It’s been interesting to say the least. I’m not a big outliner, as many of you who have been with me on this journey awhile, know. However, I’m up for anything which helps me to make a better book at the end of the day; therefore, I’m trying this out.

I just realized I used the word interesting in two different paragraphs with the same kind of eye roll overtone. Go me. Anyway, that’s all for today. Check back in tomorrow. Maybe I’ll have a snippet of something to share from my newest work in progress. Or something else interesting.