Dealing with Resistance

Breaking through the resistance which is keeping me from really getting after my life is H-A-R-D. Truthfully, dealing with resistance is something that we all do, with varying degrees of success. Right now, I am pushing through the resistance which is starting a new book and a new workout regime. One is proving easier than the other. So what do you do when you are dealing with resistance?

Resistance in the Mind

Okay, so we all know we have that little voice in our head which is looking out for us. It’s the one that says the helpful things like don’t touch the stove burner AFTER you have turned it on. It, by and large, is out to make sure we stay safe and/or out of harm’s reach. That’s not the problem. In some cases, this voice is necessary. It protects us. Unfortunately, myself, like many, have a voice in their head which has attached severe negative consequences to things that are not life threatening or even more than ego threatening. Take, for instance, procrastination.

Dr. Neil Fiore, whose book I have on audio and have listened to about 25 times, posits that we procrastinate in order to preserve our sense of self. I fully believe he is spot on. My procrastination never really has to do with my ability or lack thereof to do a task, but more I drag my feet in order to preserve the idea that I cannot be judged if I don’t try or if I try half-heartedly.

Right now, I’m dealing with this in my studies of the late David Farland‘s outlining/writing method. I have his classes. I’m working through them, but I’m TERRIFIED that I will do all this work and then still get nowhere. Now how is that helpful, little caretaker voice? It’s not. So right now, I’m trying to push through the resistance in order to get further along. We’ll see how things turn out.

Want to see more of my work? Check out my BOOKS page.


  1. Audra Russell

    Thank you for being so transparent. I think Dr. Fiore is spot on, too and I know it holds me back sometimes. You know, to me, you’re this big star in my head. I featured you on my IG page for Blacktober Reads as a Black Horror author everyone should know. I truly stepped out of my comfort zone when I asked if I could feature you on my blog, just knowing you were too big if a name to go after–and fully expecting you to say no. I was floored when you agreed!

    I said all that to say that seeing you deal with something I struggle with is humbling and encouraging. I know you’ll keep going, and just know someone in Maryland is a fan!!

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