About Regret

So sometimes you do nothing and this is a good thing. Sometimes you have a to-do list a mile long and you throw it all over to play 10 hours of a game for no reason other than it feels better in your body to do so. That was yesterday for me, I did nothing important.

However, today, I awoke with a renewed sense of purpose and vitality that I probably would not have had if I hadn’t just decided that I was going to spend yesterday (my first day off of the weekend) doing nothing but trying to make achievements in a computer game. Today, my to-do list isn’t quite a mile long, but it is longer than it might have been if I had worked yesterday.

Do I feel bad or upset at this? No, because playing the game was a choice. Just like getting up today and getting work done in various arenas of my life is a choice. Regret is one of the more useless emotions in my thought process. Does this mean I don’t have any regrets? No, but what I can say is that they are fewer and further between than they were when I believed that regret was a necessary evil.

The truth is there are lots of choices in life and if you spend your life feeling like you should have taken the road you didn’t take, you’ll miss the flowers and vistas along the road that you did. Therefore, I choose to enjoy where I am, on any given day, working toward a future I cannot see down the road I am on.

How do you feel about regret? Is regret necessary or just one of those things we can choose or not? You’ve seen how I think. Now I wanna know what you think? Interested in the things going on in my brain, feel free to subscribe.