Catching Everybody Up

Hey hey everybody, welcome back to my blog. I’m not sure how long you’ve been around the blog, but things have been updated a little around here. One, the blog page is only accessible through the box to the right of the screen. It no longer has the front page to itself. I’m going to be updating the front page as well because truthfully, I’ve changed a bit since the picture on the front page was taken. I’m going to spend some time there, as well as getting my Books page all spiffy again because right now it is a bunch of links held together by spit and bailing wire. I kid. However, it’s true that it doesn’t look nearly as nice as it could. I want to update the site extensively because I am going to spend some time moving away from being exclusive to the ‘Zon and getting my books more in the hands of those who don’t use there as their primary go to. Of course, that means that some parts of the site might have a little bit of trouble from time to time as I make them look pretty and get them up and running again. So be patient with me because I want to see things be as beautiful and well presented as they can be. You can also find me over at my sister site: Sista Ghoul where I have not only my books, but also the books of other authors who are pretty doggone awesome. Plus, if you sign up for our newsletter, you receive an invitation to the Black Joy Book Club which is quite literally about celebrating African-American literature most specifically in the horror genre. There are those who find that interesting, I’m one of them, so off we go. If I’m going to do something which is fun for me, I’m going to hope there are others who also find it interesting.

Along the vein of updates to the site, I’m also going to (BIG MAYBE) restart the Fiction section of the blog. I mean, that’s where my highest selling product “October Sky” started. It was a short story series which I wrote on my blog years ago before collecting it and putting it out as a novella. Now it regularly catches people’s attention on Apple Books, which is pretty neat in my opinion. Things where I need stuff from you: Poke around and see what doesn’t hold it’s weight. Let me know what you like about the site and what features you’ve seen on other sites which you have found cool. I’m not shy about saying I want things to look as good as possible for everyone who visits. That means something is always going to be under construction here, I think, but that’s cool as long as no one minds the dust and dirt of construction.

In my personal writing life, I have finished both “Holy Land” and “Heaven’s Waiting”.  That was a cool thing there. I finished “Holy Land” about a week ago, but I need to print it out and start the edits on it. I’m trying really hard not to start another project before NaNoWriMo 2021. That’s the next big event in my writing life. I try to participate every November and if nothing else be a good cheerleader for those who are also trying it out.