So to Catch You Up…

Whew, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’ve been pretty quiet about everything for the last several months and that is mostly just a time mismanagement thing. I need to be better about that. I’m working on it. Besides that, I’ve had and given up two different jobs, and now I’m in-between things and writing almost full time to compensate.

Good news for you as that means more content.

I completed Nanowrimo 2018. I technically started my draft in October, but I wrote 50,000 new words on it during the month of November and the month isn’t over yet, so there is still time for me to add more. I’m not sure when this book is going to come out, but we’ll see. I need to get it to market fairly quickly. Of course, it’s behind the three novella set I promised to my newsletter readers some time back. That is still coming, I promise. In fact, I’m planning on seeing if I can get that out to my subscribers today. Let’s see if that’s how things work out, shall we?

For those of you on my Patreon, there’s a new poll up you might want to weigh in on. If you’re not on my Patreon, there is still time. See the link at the top of the page and join my army to get the exclusive benefits and vote in the poll.

Since I’m currently in-between jobs, I’ve decided I’m going to see exactly how many words I can produce in a month. I’ve been producing about 6k a day for the last couple of days with a few hours of work, so I’m projecting to do about 180k next month if nothing changes. Granted, it’s the holidays and things may change, so I think I may scale it back to 150k instead. Make it a little more manageable. I don’t know how many projects that is. It sort of depends on whether I spend the month writing short stories or novellas or novels, but regardless it should be a great ride.