Why the Website?

Why I’m returning to my website after so long.

I say this often, if you’ve been around a while, what I really mean is if you’ve been around for the changes I go through things may come as little surprise. I’m returning to my website for one key reason: It is mine. I pay for it. I maintain (rather poorly) it. It is my tiny plot of digital real estate. It has my name on it for crying out loud.

If you followed me over to Substack, I’m not abandoning the platform as a way to send out a newsletter. But I started a write something a day challenge over there which I think will be better suited for being over here. Yes, I know I already started. However, I also have the right and even the responsibility to do what is best for me. Yes, me!

I own this. Jane Friedman said it well.

So I am returning to my website and I’m going to keep right on writing a little bit every day. Gonna probably digest it over at https://sistaghoul.substack.com.