Tag Archives: productivity

So Yeah… Grace and Process

Here I was cruising along on getting my 100 days of posting done and then life happened….. So I missed yesterday because of life. However, here’s why I’m not going to penalize myself and start my clock over: LIFE FUCKING HAPPENS. Anyway, in less profanity laden language, things happen and if I penalize myself every …

Why the Website?

Why I’m returning to my website after so long. I say this often, if you’ve been around a while, what I really mean is if you’ve been around for the changes I go through things may come as little surprise. I’m returning to my website for one key reason: It is mine. I pay for …

Nano-Prep and Me

Hey there and welcome back. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? If you’re looking for what I’ve been up to lately, feel free to check out the podcast I have over at http://anchor.fm/alledria. That’s where I’ve been posting most of my updates once a week to make sure people know I’m still alive. However, here …

Habit Loops

Whether you know it or not, your life is made up of habits. They help our brain to conserve power for more important things like that thing we’ve never seen before and how to handle it. Things that we know how to handle, we create habit loops for in order to keep ourselves running. So …