Tag Archives: writing

Nano-Prep and Me

Hey there and welcome back. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? If you’re looking for what I’ve been up to lately, feel free to check out the podcast I have over at http://anchor.fm/alledria. That’s where I’ve been posting most of my updates once a week to make sure people know I’m still alive. However, here …

Mental Resistance

Whether we admit it or not, we’ve all dealt with mental resistance. My favorite way of having resistance is productive procrastination. In case you don’t know what that is: it’s when you do something else that appears productive in order to avoid doing the thing that really needs to be done. Think of the writer …

Dealing with Resistance

Breaking through the resistance which is keeping me from really getting after my life is H-A-R-D. Truthfully, dealing with resistance is something that we all do, with varying degrees of success. Right now, I am pushing through the resistance which is starting a new book and a new workout regime. One is proving easier than …