June is ALMOST over!

Geez, June got away from me. So what have I been up to?

  • I just finished a stint in a play. Back in April, I auditioned for Measure for Measure. I received the position of the Provost, which I thought was going to be quite simple. It was, but I had many more lines than I thought I did. Therefore, I’ve had my head in my script rehearsing lines for well over a month. That culminated in this past weekend finishing up a one-weekend run of the play.
  • At the beginning of the month, I traveled to ConCarolinas 2019 which was a wonderful event allowing me to reconnect with my ConFam from Charlotte.
  • Finished and published the audio for “Wish Kitties,” a short story included in the “Deadly Bargain” anthology. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, you should.
  • I also started a new day job portraying a character for the tour company I do ghost tours for. So more day time hours spent on that.

What’s up next?

  • Getting “Rescue at Parmlir” up on the internet. (June 30)
  • Finishing the audio for “October Sky”. I’m recording it myself, so I don’t know when I’m going to finish it, but it will be soon.
  • I’ve got an interview coming up on June 26th. I’ll keep you posted as it to where it’s put up.
  • I’m working on transferring my catalog wide, so you’ll start to see me in more places.

So what have you been up to? I almost let another month get away from me.