Happy Belated Birthday to Me

Yesterday, 12 July, was my 37th birthday. I had fun, but I also spent some time reevaluating things.

1. This experiment in monthly publication is officially over. I did not get a piece out in June. I did not plan to have a piece out in July. As of right now, the next time I publish officially will be in September. I have arbitrarily chosen September 15th as the publication date for Rescue at Parmlir. This will give me a chance to rewrite it completely based on new information.

2. I’m still working on getting the audiobook off for October Sky. I got a new microphone for my birthday, so I’m going to get to work on that.

3. On the heels of getting that new microphone, I’m going to go back to podcasting. I went on an involuntary hiatus due to the death of my computer and thus the loss of my set up and software.

While I work on these three projects, I intend to work on getting a list of things I wanna do so that I can get them done. Accomplishment has never been a major thing for me, I can get things done. However, the question is priority. What do I need to get done and how do I go about achieving my goals. I leave you with my favorite quote.