I love my Cats (Origin Stories)

For those who are keeping score at home, I have two cats: a three year old black and white named Uhura and a orange Tabby named Tegami who is just over one. They each came into my life at different times and for different reasons.

Uhura joined us in September of 2017. She was already a year old and had just finished nursing a litter. She weighed six pounds, I thought she would stay that way. I was wrong. However, that doesn’t tell you how I found her. I was walking around in PetSmart. I had recently had the discussion with my husband about wanting a cat and I was simply browsing, no intention of buying. However, as I was browsing the cats to be adopted area, I saw a bunch of black kittens. They were exuberant and blue eyed. Just adorable little things truthfully. In the cage directly above them, however, was a black and white cat hiding in a corner. At the time, her name was Honey. I stood there a moment looking at her and then at the kittens and back at her.

I read her dossier. 1yr old, recently spayed, affectionate. Hard to tell if she was affectionate when she wouldn’t come to the front of the cage. I still wasn’t of a mind to buy, but I knew I wanted to talk to this cat. So I ticked my fingers at the bars. She watched me for a second and then she said ‘hi’. Melted my heart the little meow that came out of her. I looked at the kittens there. They were cute and undoubtedly would turn out to be great pets, but I wanted a creature one could already sort of depend on. I went ahead and bought her.

Then I called my husband to tell him that we had a cat. He was sorta thrilled, but had to work that night so her first night in the house was just her and me.

She pooped on the comforter. It was an eventful first night as she tried to get used to this new place which had been thrust upon her. That was two years ago. I changed her place. I changed her name. I changed her fate.

Tegami started out in a whole different fashion. He was, somehow, transported all alone to the main post office. My boss of the time wanted more than anything to take him home (one problem: four dogs). I volunteered to take him for that reason. I took him to Uhura’s vet and he was pronounced approximately 2 weeks old. Which meant bottle feeding and close to around the clock care. My husband was still sorta thrilled after I explained what was going to have to happen and we ended up with yet another cat.

He went from being abandoned to being our baby boy brat.

What has all this taught me about me? I’m on a hair trigger and change is pleasant? I don’t know. You tell me.

In the meantime, don’t forget to get your copies of Flight to Darcen and Rescue at Parmlir for $0.99 each where ebooks are sold. The third novella Rebellion in Arek is coming soon.