Cracking On

Welcome to Week 2. It is now Tuesday. I’ve written another 10k words toward my goal of 100k for the month. So far, so good. I’m on my second pot of coffee for today and I just finished a novella at 30k called “Gold Feather: Flight to Darcen”. It has angels and airships. I do not particularly like revision, so we’ll see how much revising I do before I slap a cover on it and put it up for sale. I already know what the next one is going to be about: “Gold Feather: Rescue at Parmlir”. I’ll start that one tomorrow since I’ve already written my 5k for today. 

In other news, October Sky is doing really well on Bookfunnel. Hovering at right around the 60% download ratio. That’s not bad at all. If you haven’t had a chance to download it, and read the first chapter of Wearing His Ring that comes along with it, please do. Also, if you get a chance leave a review. Authors love reviews. Therefore, I, as an author, love reviews. I wanna know what you guys think of the things I’m writing. Who knows, the more reviews I get the more likely I am to return to places I’ve been before. Spread a little bit of love and we’ll see. 

I still want to make some progress on the shorts I’ve been writing here on the blog. So I ask you: what should I be working on? I’ve got So You Wanna Be A Serial Killer and Lorelei and Alexander. I have to do some back reading regardless of which one gets picked so I can get back into their world, but I want to see at least one of them finish sometime in the future. Preferably sooner rather than later. I will not be counting any words I write toward this in my 100k for the month goal since these aren’t pieces I intend to publish but that I’m just writing for pleasure. It’s sort of like Fanfiction, but not. 

Drop me a line anytime and catch you on the upswing.