Things…They Go On!

In case you missed it, I had a novella come out last month called “A Doll’s Life”, published by Falstaff Books. Haven’t gotten your copy yet? Hop on over to Amazon and get yourself one. I took part in my first ever launch party for that little book, organized by the lovely folks over at Con-Tinual the con that never ends on Facebook. It was a lot of fun. I also recorded, along with some other folks, a discussion of things, yeah just a lot of things, for the Hot Off the Press panel shown to the same folks.

You would think I had been busy. Nah, not really. I’m finally starting to get my legs back under me at work. So starting to get a little more structure in my life than I’ve had the last few months. Boy howdy, the last few months have been rough for me in terms of getting anything done. After that initial couple of weeks in which I wrote “Shelter” (Go buy that one too!), I fell off the wagon something awful. I’ve been working on the same Sci-Fi YA piece since then and it only just topped 50k. Slowed down considerably.

Sunny Savannah GA is working its way through tourist season, which is always interesting here, but all the more interesting with the goings on in the world. For those who don’t know, I have lung problems and am often considered medically fragile, not that it has stopped me from going back to work. I’m taking many precautions, my bosses are aware of my condition, doing the best we can with what we have. Unfortunately, it also means that Cons are a no-go for me this year and depending on the situation, maybe next year as well. I was slated to go to DragonCon and speak for the second year in a row, but that doesn’t appear as if its going to happen now. I withdrew my participation a few days ago because of medical concerns. Hard as that is to swallow, it is probably for the best.

So there you have it, things they go on. Don’t forget to drop me a line. I’m always up for a little interaction.