Tag Archives: writing

Why Hybrid?

As we close out the week of my birthday, I find myself reflecting on one more thing: my writing career. Some of you may have noticed I’ve been discussing putting more work out there in sort of professional circles for publishers to pick up (and pick at). Just recently I put three different pieces out …

Things…They Go On!

In case you missed it, I had a novella come out last month called “A Doll’s Life”, published by Falstaff Books. Haven’t gotten your copy yet? Hop on over to Amazon and get yourself one. I took part in my first ever launch party for that little book, organized by the lovely folks over at …

Time Flies

It’s been a while since I said anything here. I haven’t disappeared completely, just chosen to prioritize my energy elsewhere. That being said, there are a couple of things going on I want to share with my fans. SHELTER – A horror novel was published at the end of April. The story revolves around a …