Rising from the Grave

As some of you have noticed and noted, I am being a bit more social than I have been over the last few weeks. I look at that as a product of good medication and the reality that I’m getting back in the saddle creatively.

I spent the beginning of the month, exactly 3 weeks, working on Nanowrimo. I finished the 50K challenge on the 21st, but the book isn’t finished. I’m going to be finishing it as soon as possible so that I can go on with other projects. I’ve got another thought chomping at the bit to be written, but I refuse to start another project while I’m in the middle of one. No matter what happens, I try not to switch horses in the middle of the stream. I just end up with muddy water.

In other news, things have calmed down a bit at home. Decisions have been made. Steps are being taken. I’m back in therapy. I’m seeing a doctor for medication. I’m taking care of myself to insure I don’t end up having another nervous breakdown. All in all, I’m doing fairly well.

As I wrote last night before going to bed, I’m about to retire my $.99 strategy for getting my books out there. It isn’t working and truthfully I would like to make a living off of this sooner rather than later. I’ve learned a few things along the way, but one of them is that people want to feel they are getting good value out of what they get. Therefore, the $.99 strategy doesn’t confer a sense of value and thus it doesn’t work very well, at least not for me.

I currently have a number of books out. I carry at least 8 to conventions for the purpose of selling, which means I have more than that in ebook. I should be starting to make a living off of this and yet I’m not. Somewhere there is a disconnect and I need to find out where it is and get those things connected so that I can get more out of this.

Will I stop writing if this doesn’t work, no. I’m a writer through and through. I can’t not write. The reality is that I will stop putting stuff out there. I will write solely for me in my little room with my little lappy. You know, since I’m toiling in obscurity and all that.

All that said, I rise from the grave, once again.