My Other Hobbies

Sometimes I get asked what do I do besides write. I’m an excellent writer, but even I have to take a break now and again. I admit, I don’t do a whole heck of a lot else though. It is both my work and my refuge. I enjoy writing to the point where I choose it above other things such as movies and other entertainment. However, that is not to say I do nothing else.

I enjoy a good horror movie. Now my tastes of changed somewhat from when I first started watching, now I need some kind of plot unless I’m going to go for the brainless slasher where I can predict every scene and I don’t have to think about anything. Those have their place in my life just as much as the more cerebral, I have to think about what is going on, horror movie. Why horror movies? Because for some reason, other things don’t appeal to me as much. I can and do occasionally watch other things, but mostly I prefer horror. Maybe that’s why my well of horror is significantly deeper than other things.

I play Pokémon Go. This is a very recent development. I went to ConJuration and met some other people who played quite a bit, but I myself hadn’t really played since the game came out in 2016. Honestly, I still had an egg which I had picked up in 2016 which hadn’t been hatched yet. That’s how bad it was. However, I got back into playing, I’m walking along catching the little monsters, and having a good time.

I am also a little bit of Guild Wars 2 junkie. I’m not good by any standards and I’m WELL behind my peers in terms of things. (I spent a number of years working on a laptop which couldn’t play the game. Great for my productivity, not so great for when I wanted to unwind.) However, I really do love the game and keep coming back to it.

Physically, I’ve recently gotten back into wanting to weight train. Now this isn’t because I’m worried about anything major, it’s just because I want to do something physical and I’m a little too short of breath to run properly and such.

All of this on top of having several jobs: executive assistant to artist, Becca Cook; actor for Old Savannah Tours; content writer for Sugoi Solutions; and escape room host at Escape Savannah. One could say I’m extremely busy; far too busy for anything fun. I have patently proven that is not true. I do occasionally feel as if I’m shirking my duties while I’m playing games, but I have learned sometimes the relaxation is more important than doing a half-assed job at working.

What are your hobbies? Anyone want to be friends in PGo or GW2?