Being Busy

Well, that’s not completely true. It is easy to be busy when you have barely enough energy to get yourself out of bed properly in the morning. Just the act of making breakfast and feeding the cats is a monumental task worthy of the acclaim accorded to climbing Mt. Everest. Most of March became lost in a gray haze of just getting by. I managed to get a novella published, to stay on my schedule, but not much else. If you haven’t had a chance to catch up on Melina and Lester’s adventures, now would be a good time. The end of this novella series is due to drop this month. Get Matchmaker and Queen Maker before Thread Maker goes on sale.

After the end of this series, I don’t quite know what’s up next. There are a couple of different things that I have started which sort of beg for me to complete. I put the first Daughter of Calet novella (Sword Dawn) up for print back in January, but I haven’t written another one. I do know what the title of it is though, so there is that.

The truth of the matter is: I have a number of different pieces which need to be ejected into the ether of the publishing world. They all of course need to be looked over first, but that doesn’t take me long. The trouble is an embarrassment of riches, I suppose. Too many options. Good problem to have, I think. At least I can guarantee I will never be bored.

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