Month: July 2017

There is only During

I just turned 35. Another year. One more revolution around the sun. The usual jazz. I would say something about this year is different, but it’s actually the same and that’s a good thing when you think about it. I’m not creating something new specifically at this point because I’m already doing that. This will …

Blogging & Me

I’m going to be honest, I’m terrible at this blogging thing.  I tell myself I’m going to keep up with it and then I go weeks without saying anything at all. It’s not because I don’t have anything to say. I have lots of things to say; however, I don’t think everything I think needs …

Raising the Bar

Or as this post should be called “Raising the Bar until you trip on it and smack your face hard enough to break something.” I don’t have writer’s block. I don’t actually believe in the concept. I have a different problem with getting words down on the page and I use the term “Raising the …