So $0.99 Is Going Away (For Me)

I have a number of books which are $.99 because at one time I thought it was more important to get my work out there than to make a truly living wage off of it. I want to be read; however, I have learned something.

Readers wanna see value in what they read. $.99 books, while appealing to a few, are not as appealing as $2.99. It took me a while to come to grips with that. Truthfully, I thought it was a numbers game. If I sell cheaply to a lot, then I will eventually win. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works.

$2.99 works because it’s still relatively cheap, but it is also high enough to associate some value with the product. Therefore, I am going to change all of my $.99 books to $2.99 or better depending on their length. Is this guaranteed to get me more sales? That’s a matter for the universe to decide. However, I know I’m not making any sales at current, so it cannot hurt what isn’t there.

For the time being, however, if you’re looking for a $.99 book, then both of the first two Flights of Near books are available from multiple retailers at that price. The first in series, She Becomes Death, called “Wearing His Ring” is available for $.99. And my only short story published on its own “Harmony” is also $.99. I might keep that one that way since it’s so short. (Just below 6k.)

I’m giving myself to the first of the year to get my act together, get back matter updated, and the pricing fixed on my books. Here’s to a new year doing the same ol’ thing.

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