In the Aftermath of DragonCon

DragonCon was a blast. I only really got two days out of the whole weekend, but it was a blast for me just the same. This year, I did more than I usually do, getting out and having more fun at the Con rather than just sitting around learning new things.

Not to say that learning new things is bad, just that I tend to use that as a reason not to get out and meet people. I met a lot of people. I enjoyed the company of some amazing folks I had already had the good fortune to meet at ConCarolinas. I did a few things I’ve never thought of doing, but decided I was going to do before I had a chance to talk myself out of them. The Miss Star Trek pageant being the big one.

All in all, an amazing weekend.

On the writing front: I’m most of the way through editing “Ruins of Fate” so that it can come out the first week in October at my book signing. My first official book signing in my native town of Savannah, GA. It will be October 7th at the Starlandia Space Station. This is an awesome opportunity for me.

I have also started the story “Tick-Tock House”. I wrote the first thousand words, but I’m not sure how it’s going to shape up quite yet. I sorta know what’s going to happen, but already things have taken a little bit of a turn, so waiting to see how this shapes up.

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